Saturday 23 June 2012

Would you like to go large on that order?

Yesterday Nintendo announced the next console in the 3DS line

The 3DS XL :

Compared to the 3DS the main things that have changed are the overall aesthetics
For a start the top screen is larger, it is 4.88 inches from corner to corner compared to the 3ds' 3.53 inches. The touch screen is 4.18 inches making it 1.16 inches larger than the 3ds' touch screen(which is 3.02 inches).

Many people were expecting the introduction of the second circle pad but as you can see no such hardware is included. Instead the "Start" "Home" and  "Select" buttons have become fully fledged buttons rather than the pressure pad buttons on the 3ds.

the material bordering the screens has been given a matt finish like the DSi as many thought  the shiny finish on the 3ds allowed for too many finger prints when touched.

The 3DS XL is being released in Blue Silver and Red colours.

Behind the scenes a few changes have been made too. The battery has been improved to allow for more game time but beware with 3d on full you will only be able to squeeze about half an hour extra out of the system.

The SD card that has been upgraded from a 2GB card to a 4GB card to allow for more storage.

Over all I think it looks like a good system and if you havent got a 3ds already i would reccomend you buy this. But if like me you already have a 3ds I dont think theres anything new here that we havnt seen before.

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