Saturday 2 June 2012

Origins of a man

Here is a fun new game to keep us playing through the summer.
Yes Rayman Origins is coming to Nintendo 3DS on the 8th of June.
The game revolves around this bazaar storyline that while the gang were sleeping in the snoring tree the noise of their snoring disturbed a grandma in the world of the livid dead. She sends darkness into the glades by sending numerous Darktoons after Rayman and the gang.

I want a sip of whatever the bloke who rote this story was drinking!

The game play is 2D side scrolling similar to the original Rayman games with the artwork being drawn BEAUTIFULLY! The entire world looks sketched and foreground and background objects move with the game too to give the 2D world a feel of 3D dimensions.

Through the game players can gain new abilities allowing them to run up walls, glide in midair, swim and shrink in size to reach new areas. The game features a four player multilayer mode where you and three others can play co-op together though the game.

The music and artwork in this game make Rayman Origins a fun and humorous, and I can't wait to play it in the coming months

Full Review Coming Soon

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