Thursday 25 April 2013

What you talkin' 'bout Nintendo?

Bad news Nintendo fans. Nintendo has announced that they will NOT be holding a press conference at E3 this year. Yup that's right no Reggie and his one liners and no Miyamoto in a crazy costume.

But hey don't get too down about it! Nintendo will still be at E3 and there will be plenty to report. The new 3D Mario title for Wii U, Mario Kart U and the Super Smash Bros' for the Wii U. Hopefully we will see a few new 3DS titles too and we will see many games Nintendo has already announced in playable forms for us to enjoy!
Come to think of it I can understand why there is con conference this year, I mean with all of the Nintendo Directs were getting the information before some reporters! And there is no HUGE announcement that Nintendo are making look:
"At E3 this year, we are not planning to launch new hardware, and our main activity at E3 will be to announce and have people experience our software. Many people are certainly very interested in learning more about the Wii U titles that we are going to announce. We will use E3 as an ideal opportunity to talk in detail mainly about the Wii U titles that we are going to launch this year, and we also plan to make it possible for visitors to try the games immediately. As a brand new challenge, we are working to establish a new presentation style for E3." - Iwata 
So there you have it. To be honest i'm not that disappointed, I'm actulay looking forward to year where the main focus is on the upcoming software

Josh ;)

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