Saturday 26 January 2013

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X+Y= Pokemon

Well after all the excitement of the Nintendo direct a few days ago I thought it was time to talk a bit about Pokemon X and Pokemon Y.
Well after a surprise announcement by the president of Nintendo, Mr Iwata no less, the Pokemon community was shocked to see new generation of Pokemon games; Pokemon X and Pokemon Y. I was surprised to see these games being announced so soon as it only seems like 5 minuets since Black and White 2. Anyways...
The whole game seems to be set in a new region that includes Pokemon from all other generations and as we all know new regions need new starters.
Being a trainer that nearly always goes for the water Pokemon I was anxious to see this generations water starter. I was greeted by Froakie, a little blue frog who seems up for anything and rearing to go. We also saw Fennekin the fire starter, a feisty little fox strutting proudly onto our screens. and the grass starter Dewatt, what thats not a Dewatt? oh sorry its Chespin a cute little (Ive said little like 3 times now) otter? rabbit? squirrel? with a big smile and an awesome taste in headgear.
I'm not gonna lie I was not overwhelmed by this generations starters but after care full consideration I think I might venture into the realms of the Grass types to start this adventure off for me.
By far the biggest addition to the game will be the enhanced graphics and the new 3D layout of the world. The whole game is no longer made up of a 2d scrolling world with some 3D enhancements oh no! we are blessed with the entire world in glorious 3D with characters to match (Lets face it our little, 4 times now, trainer sprites didn't look quite right in the fully 3D Castelia City). The battle modes have been upgraded too with full camera sweeping and animations for each Pokemon.
We don't know much about the game right now but we have been introduced to the legendary Pokemon. The X mascot is a stag with huge multi coloured antlers that when face from the front looks like an X (how creative!), and the Y mascot is a kind of sky dragon that resembles a Y when its wings are fully straited. presumably the 3rd game in this gen will be Z as XYZ make up the three dimensions distance height and depth (quite cool how the X stag can run across distances and the Y dragon can fly, what will the Z mascot do I wonder?)
On the whole I think I will get this game but Nintendo are going to have to whip out some more original Pokemon to get me really exited, and what happened to the talk of Sapphire and ruby remakes? Oh well I'm still looking forward to what Nintendo will do with the new 3D layout and how they will utilise the 3DS' features to enhance the game.

For the first time the game is set for release in Japan, Europe, America and Australia in October 2013 so the whole world will be able to get their hands on the game at once!

for those of you who haven't seen the trailer take a look:
Leave your thoughts and comments below and thanks for reading!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Nintendo Direct 23rd January 2013

Well today's Nintendo Direct Certainly left us with some food for thought so here's the all the Clixing info that you need

New Capabilities for the MiiVerse were suggested and it seems that Nintendo are planning to release an Internet and mobile app version of the MiiVerse allowing us to update and explore while were away from our Wii U's. There will also be some updates to the MiiVerse that allow filtering, as some "interesting posts" seem to get buried amongst the wave of other junk, Plus a way for us to create our own communities on the MiiVerse where we can invite our friends was also revealed for Wii Fit U allowing us . No release information on this yet but they are still ongoing ideas. Iwata also announced a feature where, in Pikmin 3, you will be able to use the game pad as a camera to upload to MiiVerse.

Next Iwata revealed the Two System Updates that will be released in Spring and Summer this year. The updates are both part of a dual update that will reduce the time it takes for the Wii U to return to the menu screen and for the Wii U to load games (Hoorah!). After the Spring system update the new Wii U Virtual Console service will be released allowing you to play NES, SES and Game Boy Advanced titles on the Wii U Game Pad. The entire line up will not be available at first release but there will be a steady flow of updates as the year progresses, also the new service allows you to save a back-up of the game and allows you to access the MiiVerse (I'm presuming that means the Virtual Console Games will have their own MiiVerse community pages).

As part of the 30th Anniversary of the Nintendo FAMICOM (NES in America and Europe) New TRIAL titles for the Virtual Console are being released for 30 cents (They didn't give a Europe currency) for 30 days. The Trials available will be:
  • January - Balloon Fight
  • February - F-Zero
  • March - Punch out! Featuring Mr. Dream
  • April - Kirby's Adventure
  • May - Super Metroid
  • June - Yoshi
  • July - Donkey Kong
The Prices will return to regular e-shop prizes after each 30 day period

Iwata gave us a full hearted apology for the lack of new titles in the last few months and that there will be no new titles this January or February but he did give us a glimpse at Nintendo's 2013 schedule! (As long as they are not £49.99 like the last few, I'll be happy). Coming out from march till summer will be:
  • Game & Wario
  • Wii Fit U
  • Pikmin 3
  • Lego City Undercover
  • The Wonderful 101
There was also a new feature of the Iwata Asks series where Iwata talks to the whole of Platinum games (Bayonetta 2) instead of his usal focus on 1 gaming title. He also said he would like to perform an Iwata Asks when the Wonderful 101 is released later this year.

Anyway if you think thats a lot to take in from one Nintendo Direct hold on to socks because they are in danger of being thoroughly knocked off. That's right New Wii U Titles are on the conveyor belt and being programmed as we speak, well type... or in your case read...Lets not dwell on it.

A New 3D Mario Title from the makers of Super Mario galaxy and Super Mario 3D land (socks trembling!). A new Mariokart for Wii U is in the works too (Socks shaking!). Along with a New Smash Bros Brawl title to boot (Socks Fully Blown off my feet, out of the window and into the street!)
the former of the three will be in playable form at this Junes E3 screenshots of the latter will be shown there as well.

The Creators of Wii Party are also in the midst of Developing a Party game for the Wii U, but they wouldn't give us a release name just yet (hmmm...Wii U Party perhaps?). I am very exited for this game and from the video I can gather there will be a new Party Island mode with a brand new island to explore, All new Mini Games with features such as rolling a dice as many times as you like within the time limit to get the highest score, a twister like game using the game pad and Wiimote buttons as dots to get you and your friends fingers all knotted up with, plus an all Game Pad 2vs Pinball game, and a similar Foosball game.

Wait There's More! From the Kirby's Epic Yarn team and with the director from Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's story comes a fully woollen Yoshi Game with a yarn made Yoshi as the main character. The character can eat enemies to become a fully knitted 3D Yoshi and interact with what seems to be 3D side scrolling levels.

A New Collaboration game between the Shin Megami Tenei and Fire Emblem games was shown only with the notice "Development In Process". Iwata told us that this was on in a long line of Nintendo Collaboration games between various games and developers that will come in the future.

Lastly (as if your not high enough on excitement already)We hopped on over to the Legend Of Zelda Series for Wii U! New Screen shots of the game were released including a Wii U makeover of Windfall Island from Wind Waker in order to announce the release of The Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker for Wii U while the New Zelda Title is still In development! The Wind Waker remake is due this Fall. The Remake will Feature Upgraded Graphics (to HD no less), a "tune up" of the overall game, a chance to play the game off-TV on the Wii U game pad and a chance for MiiVerse Compatibility

After a brief look at a new Xenoblade title (and I mean brief) Iwata Wished us well and annouced a Nintendo Direct for the 3DS and 3rd Party Developers respectively coming soon.

If you want to take a look at the video for yourself check out Today's Nintendo Direct on the Nintendo Website.

Thanks for reading guys leave you comments below about what you are looking forward to from Nintendo This Year.

Monday 14 January 2013

A student life

Its here!!
your sims can now go to university with Sims 3 University Life, coming to our games this March 8th (March 5th US).

The game promises to provide us with all that we love from the previous University expansion and more! I personally can't wait to get this pack and I will be getting my hands on it on release date.

The main campus
Now for the finer points. Sims aged Young Adult, Adult or Elder can all go to University so send the whole family if you like, The Sim University is based off of England style architecture (nice to see a little nod to my country there) and is an entirely new world that offers as much as you can think of. Sims can either rent a house or dorm up with some other sims if they wish. Sims renting can advertise for room mates to live with  to help play for rent. If you choose to put your sims in a dorm they can stay in a dorm they will stay with a bunch of other sims on campus. There is a new social group mechanic that allow sims to become popular and network with friends to get a step up in a career.
The Majors that each sim can take are:
  • Business
  • Technology
  • Science and medicine
  • Free Arts
  • Physical Education
You can enrol in these diplomas via the phone or computer and choose you amount of terms and credits. Before hand a University mascot will show up on your home lot and drop off a welcome kit, from this you can find out about the university, grab some free gifts and take an aptitude test that will determine your sim's funding and recommended diploma (by using current skills, relationships, job and traits of your sims). Each diploma will give your sims a leg up in their desired carers allowing them to enter at a highler level and get a pay rise. While your sims are at university your home life will slow down so by the time your sims return nothing, or at least not much, will have changed.
Coffee shop YAY! 
Each diploma provides the sims with their own study equipment allowing them to study away from class. Classes are (as far as I know) rabbit holes. In your sims free time they can study, hang out at the new coffee shop, comic book store, burger bar and student union or they can throw wild parties with their friends and utilise the new items like juice kegger and bonfire.

University Life looks like a great expansion and more will be revealed soon
fo now check out this video for a look at a playthrough of University Life: